Lower your property taxes, insurance & energy bills

Sign up in 60 seconds - it's free
We negotiate on your behalf
You only pay if you save

How does it work?

Enter your home address.
Enter your address
123 Main St, Austin, TX 78701
See your savings estimate.
Savings found
Lower rates + 2 more
Let Abode do the work.
$1,475 saved!
60 seconds to sign up
100% free to start
$2,512 yearly savings

Let Abode work for you

own abode financial. Save on property tax, insurance and bills.
Property Tax
Our partners file a property tax appeal for you
A licensed expert argues your case with the county
We let you know if you save and monitor year-round
own abode financial. Save on property tax, insurance and bills.
Home Insurance
Connect your existing insurance policy in seconds
We monitor for options to lower premiums while maintaining your coverage
We find savings. You decide if you want to switch
own abode financial. Save on property tax, insurance and bills.
Energy Bills
We analyze your current energy plan and rates
We customize your plan to match your usage patterns
Our technology continuously monitors for savings

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does Abode cost?

Abode takes 25% of savings on property taxes. Our insurance and energy products are free.

Will I get spammed?

No. Abode is built to protect you from spam, so we never sell your data or contact information.

What info do you need?

Nothing for property tax. We pull in your current plan info if you use our insurance or energy products.