eSIGN Disclosure and Consent Agreement

Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act (E-Sign) Disclosure and Consent Agreement

Last updated: Jan 1, 2024

This Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act (E-Sign) Disclosure and Consent Agreement ("Agreement") applies to all interactions online between you and Abode Financial Holdings, Inc. ("Abode", "we", "us", or "our"). By agreeing to this document, you consent to the electronic delivery of all documents, agreements, notices, statements, and other communications (collectively, "Communications") related to the products and services offered by Abode.

Acknowledgment and Consent to Receive Communications Electronically

Your consent to receive electronic Communications applies to all interactions, transactions, and accounts opened or created by you at Abode, now and in the future. By agreeing to this document, you acknowledge that you may receive periodic statements, notices, agreements, and other information electronically. You agree that electronic signatures on documents, kept in electronic form, are equivalent to handwritten signatures on paper.

Hardware and Software Requirements

To access and retain electronic Communications, you must have:

  • A current version of an internet browser we support
  • Access to an electronic device capable of connecting to the internet
  • Access to an electronic device capable of connecting to the internet
  • Software that can open and display documents in Portable Document Format (PDF)
  • A valid email address
  • We will notify you if our requirements change in a way that might hinder your ability to access or retain Communications

Withdrawal of Consent

You may withdraw your consent to receive Communications electronically by contacting us at the designated email or phone number   provided on our website. Withdrawing consent may result in termination of access to our electronic services, and you may be subject to the standard fees and charges applicable to our products and services delivered in paper form.

Requesting Paper Copies

You can request a paper copy of any electronic Communication by contacting us.

Updating Your Information

You are responsible for providing us with a true, accurate, and complete email address, contact, and other information related to this Agreement and to your accounts, and for maintaining and updating any changes to this information.

Federal Law

You acknowledge that your consent to electronic transactions is being provided in connection with a transaction affecting interstate commerce subject to the federal Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act (E-Sign Act), and you and Abode both intend that the E-Sign Act apply to the fullest extent possible to validate our ability to conduct business with you by electronic means.

Consent to Use Electronic Signatures and Records

By accepting this Agreement, you affirmatively consent to using electronic signatures and to electronic delivery of all Communications related to transactions with Abode, as allowed by law. You agree that your electronic signature, where required, is the legal equivalent of your manual signature on this Agreement.

Consumer Disclosures

Prior to obtaining your consent, Abode provides you with the following disclosures in compliance with the E-Sign Act:

  • The right to receive a paper copy of any electronic record upon request, and whether any fee will be charged for such copies
  • The right to withdraw consent at any time, including any conditions, consequences, or fees in the event of such withdrawal
  • The procedures to withdraw consent, as well as to update your information with us
  • How electronic records, upon consent, can be used to the same extent as paper records.
  • Abode commits to complying with the E-Sign Act by ensuring that any electronic signature or transaction initiated by you or by us will be legally effective, valid, and enforceable under the law

Acceptance and Consent

By using our services in a manner that requires your consent to this Agreement, you acknowledge you have read and understood this Agreement and accept its terms. You acknowledge that your action of agreeing electronically is the legal equivalent of your manual signature on this Agreement.

Contact Information

For inquiries or for withdrawing your consent, please contact Abode Financial Holdings, Inc. at

This document is subject to change, and any modifications will be communicated to you as required by applicable law. By continuing to use Abode's services after receiving notice of such changes, you agree to and accept the terms of the revised Agreement.